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Helping Healthcare Workers One Mask at A Time

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Help Us Help Healthcare Workers

Fill out the Google Document to offer help in making masks, donating PPE, or donating funds



Started by highschool students who are passionate about serving the community. We saw the dire need for supplies, goods, and masks especially people with low immunity and the immunocompromised. This inspired us to create by making masks and face-shields change in the community. One of the students is an avid Girl Scout who wants to bring change in her community both as a girl scout and healthcare student at Lambert High School. 

Our purpose is to connect mask makers from all over Georgia and create a centralized database system. We want to recruit more members to be a part of this. Please spread the news, and lets help all Healthcare Workers in need virtually.

Help Healthcare Workers Globally


click on the pinpoints to see what is needed where. Healthcare

Workers, Hospitals, and Stores click on the button below to add your organization

onto the map so we can supply you everything you need. ONLY organizations, families, and others who

want their information to be shared will be on the map.



Follow Us on Social Media to get updated on what we're doing. Tag us in your pictures to be added onto the gallery.

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